 | Artists admitted to 2009 FAMA festival will be invited to participate in particular sections, where they will have the opportunity to perfect their skills under the supervision of renowned professionals. They will also have a chance to present their original works and contribute to premiere projects.
Below, You will find the 'mock' description of all the sections available in 2009 as well as a few words on the most important artistic projects that we hope to realize during the 2009 FAMA festival.
This is not the ultimate version though. It will be developed and specified in the upcoming months.
|  |  JAZZ
In cooperation with the SPIELFEST Meklemburg Vorpommern festival we will form a Polish-German big band. The participants of this section will perform at jam sessions in the festival club. They will also have rehearsals and workshops every day in order to polish up their skills and prepare the material for final concerts.
We are planning to present the following projects:
"Kind of Blue" - a concert with Miles Davis' songs. In reference to the fact that in 2009 we will celebrate the 50th anniversary of this record, which is considered the greatest artistic achievement of XX century jazz.
A tribute to Krzysztof Komeda - a concert in memory of Poland's greatest jazz composer and pianist. 2009 will be the 40th anniversary of his death.
Artistic supervisors:
Włodek Pawlik - A renowned pianist and a talented composer, who performs at all continents. He also gave lectures at Western Michigan University , at the International Jazz Conference '99 in Los Angeles, as well as many different places.
Ryszard Borowski - a composer, conductor,a renowned saxophone and flute player. He worked in Big Band of Polish Radio and Television. He has been a lecturer at the Warsaw Jazz School for the last few years.
The participants will take part in a cycle of classes during which they will have a chance to develop their singing technique, rhythm awareness, cooperation with instrumentalists, and interpretation skills. The method adapted for work will be based on individual approach to the participants, who will have the opportunity to perform individually as well as in the final concert together with the whole section.
Artistic Supervisors:
Anna Serafińska - a talented singer who has recorded three original records. She won the Nowa Nadzieja Polskiego Jazzu Award in 1999 and grand prix at the Montreux Jazz Festival in 2004.
Anna Karamon - former singer of bands such as Sofa and Atomy. She performed in Opole, has been a lecturer at groove vocal workshops and won many awards at music festivals in Poland.
Aleksandra Nowak - a graduate of Music Academy in Katowice, a soloist of Jose Torres & Salsa Tropical Orchestra. She also performs with Anna Serafińska Groove.
|  |  BANDS
Concerts of young talented bands representing all possible genres has always been one of the strongest points of the FAMA festival. The years of experience have proved that those who begin in Świnoujście quickly become the national first league. All bands that come to Świnoujście have a chance to present their talents onstage and perfect their skills at day-to-day rehearsals.
At this year's FAMA we will enjoy the pleasure of having the legendary jazz-rock band LABORATORIUM. Its members - representing top Polish instrumentalists, producers and composers (Grzywacz, Ścierański, Raduli, Grzyb) will run a series of meetings in order to consult our young bands. These will include individual meetings as well as meetings with whole bands that will aim at finding the best solutions to fit into the professional music market.
All participants will perform onstage in the open air as well as at festival clubs.
|  | We will have the legendary jazz-rock band onstage. After 17 silent years the band was brought back to life and began performing anew in 2007, receiving a warm welcome from their audiences. Throughout the 70s they were active at the FAMA festival. This period inspired one of their biggests hits "Room 210", which indicates the number of the room they were staying in at that time.
|  |  The cycle of classical music concerts. All performances will be held on the beach at sunset. We hope it will be an interesting alternative to commercial mass events that usually take place at the seaside in Poland at this time of the year.
|  |  All theater groups participating in the festival will present their original shows. We also plan to hold a series of workshops aiming at preparing a premiere show and a set of happenings to be presented every day in different places in Świnoujście. The participants will be divided into the following sections: for playwrights and directors, for actors, for critics, for set artists etc.
Objectives of this section: to confront the methods of drama peformance, integration of artists representing different fields, to theater-up the city of Świnoujście, to confront theater artists with different topics and settings, to respond to actual events with performance.
Coordination of the project:
Szymon Pietrasiewicz - the member of TEKTURA group from Lublin. Happening artist, the commissary of "Kontestacje" Theater Festival.
|  |  All comedians and groups participating in the festival will have the opportunity to present their shows during the festival and to contribute to creating the premiere show "Poszukiwacze zagubionego humoru" ("Raiders of the Lost Humor").
Supervising: Irek Popiel-a comedian who started Zygzak group, the author of "Kabaton"-a weekly program broadcast by Radio Kampus, the host of a series of meetings in Warsaw titled "Działo Kabaretowe", a dedicated advocate of humor.
|  |  In relation to the fact that in 2009 Poland will celebrate the 30th death anniversary of two of its great poets: Edward Stachura and Ryszard Milczewski-Bruno, we wish to organize an International Literature Conference. We hope to discuss the place and role of poetry in the experience of the young generations. We do not aim at 'resurrecting the legends', but at confronting contemporary poetry with the generation that initiated FAMA 40 years ago.
The cycle will include the following activities: literature workshops (poetry/fiction), 'slams' and poetry happenings, concerts, discussion panel, a mural consisting of the verses from Stachura's poems, publications: a periodical distributed in the streets of Świnoujście and presented on FAMA's website. If financial conditions allow: an anthology presenting the works of the young poets and a CD with the live footage of poetry presentation, released as an extra to a chosen literary magazine.
Artistic Supervisor:
Darek Foks - Poet, writer, screenwriter. A graduate of PWSTviT in Łódź. He worked for "Literatura na Świecie". Currently he writes for "Twórczość" where he is responsible for the prose section. A former participant of numerous literary festivals and a lecturer at diverse literary workshops. He has won many literary awards, his works were translated and published in many countries such as the Czech Republic, Holland, Slovakia, USA, Great Britain etc.
Coordination of the project
Maciej Boenisch - a student of philosophy on the University of Warsaw.
|  | During the festival we will hold diverse exhibitions presenting the works of our most talented young artists from among the alumni of Polish and foreign artistic academies.
|  |  We will organize a series of workshops under the careful supervision of experienced photography artists. The workshops will conclude with a presentation of works in Świnoujście titled Homeless Gallery: The presentation will nod require any admission - both professionals and beginners will be welcome to include their works.
Artistic Supervisor: Tomek Sikora - a renowned photographer, author of numerous worldwide campaigns, lecturer at the European Academy of Photography, initiator of Homeless Gallery.
Provided that sufficient financial means are obtained we also hope to organize a cycle of meetings dedicated to traditional, analog photography techniques that will conclude with the presentation of works in the form of a peepshow within the urban environment. Artistic Supervisor: Marcin Sudziński - a young talented photographer, student of the Warsaw Academy of Photography, author of music, film and photography projects cooperating with artists from Poland, France and USA.
|  |  The cycle of workshops related mostly to documentary forms. It will be run by professionals and will conclude with a presentation of works. The participants will represent the students of Polish and foreign film schools: script writers, directors, cameramen, sound engineers, producers.
The participants will also have the opportunity to present their current works alongside the works of best debut productions previously shown at film festivals.
Main objectives of the project: to perfect professional skills of debut artists, to confront students representing film schools from different countries, to present the new cinema to a large number of spectators and to boost their interest in the new artistic ideas.
Bogdan Bogiel, Krzysztof Bielecki (TVP Szczecin)
|  | The participants will cooperate with the film and tv workshops in order to create a section of events presented by means of diverse media channels. It will include a cycle of practical 'classes' dealing with creating a radio documentary. The results will be broadcast by Polish Radio.
Katarzyna Wolnik-Sayna – a reporter of documentary department of Polish Radio.
|  | In the time of quick development of the information network it is necessary to advocate forms of journalism that will catch up with the instant changes affecting our perception and mentality. As FAMA is now an international event we have decided to choose this way of recording and informing about the events that take place in Świnoujście. All materials (articles, photos, audio and video entries) will be published on our website in Polish and English version. They will be also available on websites of our Polish and foreign partners.
|  |  A cycle of meetings aimed at future producers. The main objective of this project is to advice the participants on effective realization of artistic events. Each of them will be assigned to a particular festival project. Their task will be to coordinate the technical and organization operations necessary to develop the ideas of authors and artists.
Zbigniew Dobrosz - owner of the TRIADA Agency. He has been the producer of FAMA for many years. He is also responsible for organizing Two Riversides Arts and Film Festiwal in Kazimierz Dolny and many other events, such as tennis tournaments J&S CUP and Orange Warsaw Open.
It has become a tradition that each year we organize a football match between two teams: the team of the local authorities, and the team of festival organizers. We are also planning to hold championships in handball and beachball.
Events, games, plays, sports and arts contests for children who spend their holidays in Świnoujście. These will include Mini Olympics for participants of summer camps and a singing contest.
Presentation of the most interesting films that had been previously presented at the last edition of the Two Riversides Arts and Film Festival in Kazimierz Dolny. We are also planning to screen selected films with music by Krzysztof Komeda and a presentation of films for the youngest spectators.
Events promoting environmentally-friendly approach held in different spots in Świnoujście and its neighborhood.
A cycle of events in cafes and clubs of Świnoujście aiming at familiarizing their guests and tourists with the program of FAMA festival. We are also planning to organize meetings with artists.
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