If You are interested and wish to participate in the 39th FAMA Festival, please read The Festival's Regulations at first.
Next - send Your application (Application form plus the necessary attachments) directly to the organization office:
Fundacja Akademickie Biuro Kultury i Sztuki Alma – Art (ALMA-ART Foundation)
ul. Ordynacka 9
00 – 364 Warszawa
or by e-mail to: fama.festiwal@gmail.com
If You wish to organize an original interdisciplinary project at the FAMA festival, You can apply for The Neptune's Trident Contest.
The list of participants of FAMA 2009 will be closed and published no later than 15.07.2009.
Festival_s Regulations FAMA 2009.pdf
Application Form FAMA 2009.doc
Confirmation of Participation FAMA 2009.doc
Parents_ Permission FAMA 2009.doc