The program board consists of artists who have had a long history at the FAMA Festival; last years' winners and the people who are successfully continuing their artistic careers. Their tasks include recommending potential participants of the Festival and managing artistic projects developed in Świnoujście. Some of the Program Board members will also take part in recruiting the projects for the Neptune's Trident Contest.

She is the organizer of various artistic projects and happenings. A graduate of the "SPOT" Drama School in Kraków. She cooperates with the Cinema Art Foundation, works for STARS film company. She was the production manager of "Re:wizje" Independent Art Festival in Warsaw.

The frontman of 3D Project, a musician in bands such as: Kanał Audytywny, Iguana Live Set, Sami, Morf, Funky Hornhibiton and... many others. Co-author of the music show "Age of Aquarius" and winner of an Honor Award of The Program Board ( FAMA 2005).

An artist frequently involved in happenings, an active advocate and organizer of artistic life in Poland. Once an actor, director, rockman, journalist, poet etc... A former student of KUL in Lublin and PWST in Warsaw. Currently a member of the PODGORZE.PL association. He began his adventure with FAMA in 1987 as a poet, he won many FAMA awards and in the years 2003-2007 he was responsible for the realization of happenings during the FAMA festival.

A comedian responsible for "Formacja Chatelet" company from Kraków. Once also a host of "Maraton Uśmiechu" at TVN . He is also a musician (known as "DJ Mazut") A writer and co-author of the "Nowa Huta Gangsta" project.

A singer, composer and songwriter. Former vocalist of bands such as Sofa and Atomy. She performed in Opole, has been a lecturer at groove vocal workshops and won many awards at music festivals in Poland. At FAMA she realized an award-winning "Koncert ludoffy" in 2005, directed the final concert of FAMA 2006. She has been responsible for managing the works of the FAMA singers' workshops for many years.

A graduate of Kraków's Music Academy. A pianist, and a composer. A member of Levity jazz trio (awarded at FAMA 2006). He works with artists such as Jerzy Satanowski, Jan Smoczyński, Paweł Kaczmarczyk, Filip Sojka and others.

A graduate of PWST in Wrocław. An actor of puppet theaters in Kraków and Warsaw. The founder of TAGOR group. In 2006-2008 he directed FAMA's Final Concerts.

A singer and actress. For five years she played leading roles in the musical "Metro". In 2006 she recorded her debut album, and in 2007 she recorded a concert album. She won many awards at numerous festivals across Poland.

A graduate of Music Academy in Warsaw, a composer and leader of a balkan folk band Sarena. Music director of the final concert at FAMA 2006. For the last few years he has been managing the Engeneers Band at Warsaw Technical Academy.

A comedian responsible for "Formacja Chatelet" company from Kraków. Once also a host of "Maraton Uśmiechu" in TVN. Co-director of several FAMA shows and performances.

A graduate of the Law Faculty at UJ in Kraków. A writer. His poetry book was awarded as a debut of 2004 and was translated to Serbian. He writes for "Więź", "Ha!Art", "Pogranicza", "Tygiel Kultury" and others. At FAMA 2007 he was awarded the Marian Redwan award.

The leader of Teatr Realistyczny from Skierniewice. Co-author of final performances of theater workshops at FAMA 2004 and 2005. Since 1995 he has realized several original shows. His performances "Tra-ta-ta" and "Wycie wg Kajzara" were award winners at FAMA 2004 and 2005.

A pianist and composer. He works with Magda Kumorek, Magda Sekuła, Barbara Stępniak – Wilk, Anna Serafińska, Anna Karamon, Joanna Piwowar, Joanna Lewandowska. Author of music for shows: „Są jeszcze miejsca" (FAMA 2003) and "Świat za trzy grosze" (FAMA 2004). The winner of many awards at FAMA. Between 2005 – 2008 he was the music director of FAMA's final concerts. Co-founder of TAGOR group.

The member of TEKTURA group from Lublin. Happening artist, the commissary of "Kontestacje" theater festival. The winner of the Max Szoc award (FAMA 2007)

A comedian responsible for Idea company from Białystok. An award winner at FAMA 2007.

A singer, composer, poet and director. Over many years she has won numerous awards at the FAMA festival. A member of Trzy Dni Póżniej band. Co-director of the award winning multimedia project "Zakwalifikowani" (FAMA 2005). Director of the music show „Numery" based on Olga Tokarczuk's prose and „Wykwalifikowane", presented during Przegląd Piosenki Aktorskiej in Wrocław (2007 and 2008). Director of the concerts: „Odloty" and „Reinkarnacje" based on the songs of Grzegorz Ciechowski, presented at festivals in Gdańsk and Kraków.

A director, actor and comedian. A graduate of PWST in Wrocław. He played in theaters in Kraków, Wrocław, Wałbrzych, performed with Formacja Chatelet. The winner of Przegląd Piosenki Aktorskiej in Wrocław and Przegląd Kabaretowy PAKA. He worked for TVP2 and TVN. He played in tv series "39 i pół" and "Trzy po trzy". He directed numerous music and theater performances, including the award winning "Tak bardzo dobrze nie jest, ale nie jest źle" (FAMA 2004), "Świat za trzy grosze" (FAMA 2004, broadcast by TVP2), "Serca bicie" (based on the songs of A. Zaucha, FAMA 2006).

A comedian who started Zygzak group, the author of "Kabaton" - a weekly program broadcast by Radio Kampus in 2006, the host of a series of meetings in Warsaw titled "Działo Kabaretowe", a dedicated advocate of humor.

A student of English Philology in Kraków. A poet, a journalist of the internet Radio Bez Kitu. A winner of numerous FAMA awards in 2005, 2006 and 2008.

A vocalist and poet. A winner of numerous awards for vocalists and poets at festivals across Poland. The author of the script for the "Świat za Trzy Grosze" concert at FAMA 2004, broadcast by TVP2.

Co-funder of the Kuzyni company. During the FAMA festival he is responsible for the coordination of works of comedians and organizing happenings.

A singer, artistic manager and record publisher. A winner of Studencki Festiwal Piosenki in Kraków (1993) and many other important awards. In 1996 she recorded the album "Rzeki Snu". Currently she is working on her new record. She owns the CYTRYNA artistic agency. Cooperates with Stodoła and Mechanik clubs in Warsaw. A former winner of FAMA's NEPTUNE'S TRIDENT.

A comedian and propagator of art. Former artist of Rybki and Zykzak companies.

A graduate of journalism at Kraków's UJ. The chief editor of FAMA's official newsletters: "proFamacja" (2005) and "trFamy" (2006). The winner of the Marek Kasz Award (FAMA 2005).

A graduate of PWST in Kraków. An actress, singer and poet. She has won many of Poland's most important music festivals, performed at places of great renown such as Piwnica pod Baranami in Kraków, Hybrydy in Warsaw or Przechowalnia in Łódź. The winner of the Marian Redwan Award (FAMA 2004). She has just finished recording the material for her debut album.

A student of ASP Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. A participant of The International Arts Festival in Macedonia and Estonia (2005). He presented his works at diverse galleries such as Test Gallery, Kadr Gallery and Goethe Institute in Warsaw. His first individual exhibition took place in Warsaw in 2005. He has a vocation for happenings. The winner of the Max Szoc Award (FAMA 2006).

FAMA's chief commentator and chronicler. Winner of the festival award in 2005.

FaMa - international artistic campus